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Even though the modern world has introduced new ways of communication in the professional world, email continues to be one of the most common and efficient methods of written communication. Whether making a simple request, providing updates or handling sensitive materials, mastering email communication is essential for success in any career. Here are a few steps to enhance professionalism and communication skills in emails:

1. Understand the Purpose of the Email

Is the goal to inform, request, persuade or resolve an issue? The purpose determines the tone, structure and content of the message being sent. Utilize the subject line to ensure clarity and focus on the message, avoiding unnecessary details, jargon or ambiguity. The subject line is often the first– and sometimes the only– part of the email a recipient will read. A well-written subject line should be specific and straightforward. A vague or overly generic subject line risks the email being overlooked or even ignored completely.

2. Start with a Polite Greeting

Whether in a professional, semi-professional or casual setting, it’s always best practice to greet the recipient(s) politely. Using formal titles and last names is often the safest choice, especially when the recipient’s familiarity or relationship status is unclear. Simple phrases like “Dear [Mr./Ms. Name]” or “Good morning/afternoon [Mr./Ms. Name]” works well for most situations. For more informal exchanges, “Hi [Name]” may be appropriate, but it’s vital to understand the relationship beforehand.

3. Be Concise and Focused

Professionals receive high volumes of emails daily, so emails should convey a straightforwardness without unnecessary tangents or jargon. Concise messages increase the likelihood that it will be read in full and responded to promptly. Avoid lengthy paragraphs that could confuse or overwhelm. Utilizing bulleted lists can be helpful for breaking down complex information or multiple requests.

Regardless of the relationship to the recipient, a professional tone ensures that the email is taken seriously. Remember that written communication lacks vocal inflections and non-verbal body language, so phrases that may seem harmless can come across as rude or dismissive. Using phrases like “please,” “thank you” and “I appreciate” can create a positive impression on readers.

4. Use Proper Formatting and Proofread Before Sending

Well-organized emails are much easier to read and understand. Use paragraphs to break up large blocks of text while keeping sentences clear and concise to ensure the structure of the email flows logically. List and highlight any attachments clearly to avoid confusion.
Keep your emails grammatically correct to prevent losing professionalism. Take a moment to proofread or utilize your application’s grammar check as a second set of eyes. Reviewing the email before sending ensures that subtle mistakes, such as miswording or awkward phrasing, are avoided.

5. Know When to Use “Reply All”

This button can be a double-edged sword in the email world. Overusing the “reply all” feature can clutter inboxes and annoy other professionals. Typically, it’s more appropriate to reply solely to the sender unless the information is relevant to everyone included. Consider carefully whether everyone needs to be included in the response before hitting “Reply All.”

6. Handle Sensitive Topics Carefully

Whether it’s a conflict, complaint or performance-related issue, careful wording is crucial when it comes to sensitive topics. While email generates a written record, it can also lead to misunderstandings if not created with a neutral, respectful and solution-focused tonality. Consider if it’s better to discuss highly sensitive situations in person rather than online.

7. End with a Polite Closing

The closing of an email should echo the tone of the greeting. Remain professional and polite, using words like “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Kind regards.” For more informal emails, “Best” or “Thanks” may work also. Be sure to follow the closing with your name and information.


Written communication is essential for any professional. Writing proper emails takes conscious effort and attention to detail. Clear, concise and respectful emails are more likely to generate the best response from the recipient(s) while enhancing professionalism and reputation. Earn Up is here as an informational resource to assist in the success of professionals in Northeast Florida. Check out our other blog posts on how different skill sets enhance careers, as well as other resources that are offered!